Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sculpture Project

These are the sculpture pictures I took during our field trip to a vineyard. This was a cool photo shoot because it required me to use my surroundings and think about what would look cool. 

Night Photography

These are my night photography pictures, which was extremely difficult to shoot. The main problem I kept running into was the exposure time and the focusing in the dark. I definitely think my second picture was very successful.

Focus #1

The following pictures, are for my Focus Project for this year. I chose Architecture for my focus because I really enjoyed taking them during my final project last year. These photos are taken I black and white to mimic a photographer I researched

Friday, November 8, 2013

Blog Post

1: I think that Chinua Ahebe presents colonialism in a negative light. When colonialism occurs in the book, something bad always happens. Like the white man on the iron horse. 

2: A lot of Africans do not approve of the video and awareness of Joseph Kony, they are completely against the campaign. I personally agree with them, the film maker makes it seem like the war is going on because americans are ignorant, this is actually not the case. People have been very aware of the war, and the video doesn't really portray that. 

3: It helps us get an understanding for what happens/ is happening to places outside of what we know. It helps us to be more involved. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Vocab Words...Again

Exigency- requiring immediate action
Ineffectual- Without effect. weak
Sapient- Wise
Crux- The essential point or feature
Eremite- a Hermit
Senescent- Growing old

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


1: Redact, to edit

2: Efferontery, Shameless Boldness

3: Dictum, an authoritative statement.

4: Gravid, pregnant.

5: Excursus, a digression

6: Transmogrify, to transform.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Reader Response

Dear T.C. Boyle

                         I am currently reading your book "The Tortilla Curtain", and its pretty good. I have some questions about the book. Where did you get the inspiration to write the story? Was it an event in your life? Something you observed? Or did you just make it up as you went along? The only other question that comes to mind is where did you get the inspiration for Delaney? He's so stereotypical its entertaining. Thats really all I have to say.


The reason this was late is because I didn't have a internet connection in Los Angeles and I couldn't find the prompts when I got back.